Kale, Quinoa, and Cantaloupe Salad

You’ll love the taste and texture of this salad, along with the alliterative nature of the title.


  • 2 cups of chopped kale

  • 1 cup of cooked quinoa

  • 2 cups of canteloupe

  • Honey mustard sauce: Dijon mustard, honey, rice wine vinegar, and soy sauce


  • Chop the kale

  • Cook the quinoa

  • Cut the cantaloupe

  • Mix the sauce together

  • Toss everything together

  • Bring it to your favorite party!

Effortless Edamame Dip

Is anything really effortless? Even sleeping has a plethora of apps, which are dedicated to deeper sleep, weight-loss, snoozing techniques, and unconscious memory enhancements. Effortlessness is a state of mind. When we think something is easy, then we’re more apt to try it. This recipe isn’t completely effortless, but it’s simple, delicious, light, and packed with protein.


  • 1 + 1/2 cups of edamame (or the entire package of TJ’s edamame -unfrozen)

  • 1/2 large avocado (about 1/2 cup+)

  • Juice from 1-2 limes (or lemon juice up to 1/4 cup)

  • Salt and other seasonings

  • Water (1/2 to 1 cup, depends on the consistency)

  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil (optional)

  • 1 tablespoon of honey (optional)

  • 1 tablespoon miso (optional)

  • 1 tablespoon of fresh herbs (basil, parsley, thyme, etc.)


  • Rinse the edamame, place in blender

  • Add the avocado and seasonings

  • Whip in blender, adding water as needed and for desired consistency

  • Add additional (optional) ingredients

  • Chill in refrigerator

  • Enjoy!

Adventurous Artichoke and Arugula Salad

This heart chakra requires bravery, daring, and a little bit of adventure as you open your heart and let someone close to you. Here’s a recipe to remind you that love is another form of nourishment. Besides, who doesn’t love a little adventure?


  • 2 cups of Fresh arugula

  • 1/4 cup (dry) protein pasta of your choice

  • Artichoke hearts (grilled or marinated in the jar from TJ’s)

    • Optional: sun-dried tomatoes or other veggies

  • 1 Lemon

  • Olive Oil

  • Fresh basil or other herbs and spices

  • Optional: Nutritional yeast or Vegan Parmesan (roasted cashews, nutritional yeast, spices)


  • Cook the pasta, rinse, drain

    • (Optional to use leftover pasta or another grain)

  • Squeeze the juice from the lemon (or use lemon juice)

  • Add the olive oil and seasonings (salt, pepper, oregano)

  • Toss the olive oil and lemon, seasonings, and artichokes (plus sun-dried tomatoes)

  • Place over the arugula.

  • Enjoy!

Secret Weapon Summer Salad

We all need a ‘secret weapon’ — no, not a gun! A special something that makes us unique or helps us through a hard time, a trait or a behavior that is extraordinary. This salad has a secret weapon in the sweet and spicy toasted walnuts. The combination of flavors is something that I aspire to create in my personal life: sweet (kindhearted), yet still bold (but not too much).


  • Lettuce

  • Cucumber

  • Tomatoes

  • Red onion

  • Steamed green beans

  • Mango slices

  • Apricot slices

  • Orange Slices

  • Any colorful fruit and vegetables you’d like!

  • Sweet and Spicy Walnuts

    • Walnuts

    • Honey

    • Spices: (e.g. Cayenne pepper, hot curry powder, or Masala powder)


  • Thinly slice the vegetables

  • For the green beans, blanch them so they’re a little softer and a brighter color

  • For the walnuts: Toast the walnuts in a skillet on medium heat, add the honey until it bubbles and the seasonings. Take off heat and put on parchment paper to cool, or put it in the refrigerator.

Big Bang Brussels Sprouts with Candied Cashews

I would eat just about anything with candied cashews and peanut sauce, so I invented this recipe to convince myself that it’s healthy because of the Brussel Sprouts. Whose to say it isn’t?


  • Brussels sprouts - washed and cut in half

  • Water

  • Cashews + Honey

  • Peanut sauce:

    • 1/4 cup of peanut butter

    • 1 Tablespoon of honey (or agave, maple syrup, coconut sugar)

    • Spices (optional): Cayenne pepper or a sprinkle of chili sesame oil, curry powder, ginger, etc.

    • 1-2 tablespoons of soy sauce or Bragg’s amino acids

    • 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice or rice wine vinegar

    • Add water if you like a thinner consistency (or more vinegar)


  • Blanche the Brussels sprouts so the color changes to bright green

  • Spray parchment paper with olive oil (optional to sprinkle on some coconut sugar)

  • Place flat side down, bake at 375-400 degrees for 20+ minutes (or until golden)

  • Combine all the ingredients for the sauce in a food processor or blender. Add water or more liquid for desired consistency

  • Lightly roast the cashews on the stove top with some honey until coated and it starts to bubble and the cashews turn a little brown. Place on parchment paper until cool. The honey will harden, so it’s like candy!

  • Place browned Brussels sprouts in a dish, flat side up, sprinkle on some sauce and cashews.


Take Your Time Tahini and Arugula Salad

We often don’t take time for ourselves, always rushing around and taking care of others. When you make this easy, delicious and nutritious dish, take your time and make it for yourself. You deserve it.


  1. A big bunch of arugula or other lettuces

  2. High protein pasta (this is Banza Angel Hair made from chickpeas)

  3. Vegetables to accompany the pasta (onion, artichokes, celery, rainbow chard, etc.)

  4. Vegetable broth

  5. Lemon + Tahini dressing

    1. 3 tablespoons of tahini

    2. Juice from 1-2 lemons

    3. 1 teaspoon of honey

    4. 1-2 tablespoons of soy sauce of Braggs Aminos

    5. Add water or rice wine vinegar to thin it for desired consistency

  6. Sesame Seeds and colorful tomatoes for garnish


  • Boil the pasta until it’s done, rinse and set aside

  • Chop up the veggies for the pasta, then heat them with the veggie stock until tender

  • Take half of the pasta and mix with the veggies

  • The other half of the pasta toss lightly with the lemon tahini dressing

  • Drizzle the rest of the dressing over the entire plate

  • Garnish and enjoy!

Your Better Self Broccoli with Peppers and Cashews

All this talk about ‘being your best self’ kind of annoys me because, how do I know if this is my ‘best’ self and not some imposter or if there’s some TRUE best self around the corner? If I think that I’ve arrived at my ‘best’ self, then will I stop striving to be a better person because I’m basically lazy. I’ll think, Okay, this best self is good enough. Therefore, I’ve named this yummy broccoli dish ‘Your Better Self,’ to remind myself to be kinder and more compassionate, and much less annoying to my kids. Will I ever become the BEST version of myself? Hopefully not. I’d rather keep trying.

This recipe elevates broccoli from a singular vegetable to a creamy and colorful ensemble. The secret lies with the cashews and coconut milk. You can add any colored vegetables to round out the flavors and enhance the color palette. I’ve made this dish during the summer and used fresh peaches instead of orange peppers. So good!



  • Broccoli (one big bunch or small broccoli rapping)

  • Orange peppers (or any color peppers) - optional to substitute with fruit like peaches or papaya

  • 1/2 cup of cashews

  • Black sesame seeds

  • 2-3 tablespoons Cashew milk (or almond milk)

  • 1/2 teaspoon of toasted sesame oil

  • 1/2 teaspoon honey

  • 1/2 teaspoon soy sauce or Bragg’s Amino Acid

  • 1/2 teaspoon black sesame seeds or hemp hearts


  • Lightly steam the broccoli

  • Slice the peppers and steam them for a few moments

  • 1 cup of rice (leftovers are great)

  • Take 1/4 cup of cashews, lightly toast them either in a skillet or in the oven

  • Take the other 1/4 cup of cashew, combine them in a blender with cashew milk, sesame oil, honey, soy sauce. This sauce can be heated, which will reduce the liquid and make it thicker

  • Pour it over the broccoli mixture

  • Sprinkle the black seeds and/or hemp hearts

Keep Your Cool Cucumber & Strawberry Salad

It’s challenging to always keep your cool, especially when fear is running high and the world is changing so rapidly and so unexpectedly. It’s understandable to feel anxious and angry, and it’s hard to know how to cool down all those raging emotions, especially in the summer. This salad is soothing and refreshing, a needed respite from the ‘heated’ of the news of the day. The sweet and crunchy almonds are like putting candy on top — who doesn’t love candy!



  • One cucumber, pealed, sliced

  • Strawberries, sliced

  • Slivered almonds

  • Lemon juice

  • Honey + drop of Avocado oil

  • Instructions:

    • Slice cucumber, arrange on a plate and squeeze some lemon over it

    • Mix in strawberries

    • “Crunch” up the almonds, cook over low heat with honey and oil until they’re coated and brown. Sprinkle over salad

Not-So-Perfect Peas and Green Beans

Let’s all agree that not being perfect is the new perfect. I know, it’s like saying that sixty is the new forty, or Orange is the new black, but aren’t we all tired of those perfectionist tendencies we’ve been spoon-fed throughout out lives? Let’s all make a pact to ditch those beliefs. Instead, let’s all agree that we’re not supposed to be perfect. We’re supposed to show up with compassion in our hearts, an open mind, and a big appetite, especially if you come to my house for dinner.

These wrinkly peas and crunchy green beans in this recipe sort of remind me of some of the men that I’ve dated. They aren’t perfect. They aren’t the main course, but some of them are tasty and hearty and nutritious and they compliment any meal or experience.



  • Peas (fresh or frozen)

  • Green beans (fresh or frozen)

  • Tarragon, salt, or any interesting seasoning

  • Lemon and olive oil

  • Hemp Hearts

  • Instructions:

    • Steam the peas and beans

    • Toss them in lemon and olive oil with salt

    • Sprinkle with seasoning and hemp hearts

    • ENJOY!

Abundance All Around Fruit & Veggie Salad

Abundance is all around you. At least that’s the hallucination that I’d like to share with you today. When I’m feeling financially challenged and/or freaked out about my safety or my health, I redefine my notion of abundance so I can visibly see it everywhere. This might be a bit of a delusional stance, but it works (sometimes). Go for a walk in a wooded area and imagine that all the leaves on the trees are some kind of abundance (love, money, laughter) or that every drop of rain on a stormy day is another form of abundance pouring down from the sky. It’s actually true. An abundance of leaves cleans our air and what’s more essential to life than breathing? An abundance of water in the form of rain nourishes the fruits and veggies you’re about to eat. Abundance is all around you, even if you have to squint to see it.



  • Two types of Greens - this one has Red butter lettuce and arugula

  • A ‘crunchy’ vegetable - this one has cucumbers

  • A ‘soft’ vegetable - this one has two types of tomotoes

  • Several colors of fruit to celebrate the chakras:

    • Red grapes

    • Red strawberries

    • Yellow Mango

    • Green Kiwi

    • Blueberries

  • Nuts or seeds to add some texture and fats. This one has pecans

  • Dressing - Lemon Honey Tahini

In it Together Tabouli

We are all in this together, all meaning everyone in the world and this meaning all the stuff that makes up the horror show of the news (gun violence, climate change, global pandemic, etc). We’re all human and we’re all fighting against the same enemies, though we often don’t realize that we’re all in it together. The name of this delectable dish is meant to remind us of that fact. That’s all.



  • 2 cups of fresh parsley, chopped (about 1 big bunch)

    • If you can’t find parsley, used finely chopped kale

  • 2 cups of cooked quinoa (cold, leftover)

    • You can use bulgar wheat or couscous

    • Quinoa has a light texture and a lot of protein

  • 2 -3 Cucumbers, skinned, seeded, and sliced/chopped (2+ cups)

  • 2-3 big tomatoes (about 2+ cups cubed)

  • Lemon juice

  • Olive oil

  • Salt

  • Pine Nuts


  • Mix vegetables together and toss with olive oil and lemon juice

  • Sprinkle on salt

  • Roast the pine nuts over a medium heat in a pan with a small amount of Olives oil

  • Sprinkle pine nuts on top of the tabouli

Soothing Super Salad

Finding something that soothes your soul can become a lifetime pursuit, so let’s start small with this salad. The only ingredients you need are vegetables that you love, and ones that you imagine will sooth your body and your soul. I like to use nutrient dense foods like quinoa, avocado, hemp seeds, or cashews, combined with lighter foods like fruit and caramelized nuts (my version of candy). The following ingredients are mere suggestions. Mix fruits and veggies that are in season, nuts and seeds that you like, and anything that’s green and opens your heart!



  • Start with Kale or Swiss Chard or some dark green vegetable

  • Pick some colors that you like with various fruits or vegetables

  • Add a protein or nutrient-dense food (quinoa, avocado, beans, etc.)

    • Or, if you eat any of these: eggs, cheese, chicken, fish, meat, etc.

  • Add one more unusual flavor - this photo has onions, mushrooms, and leftover golden potatoes, lightly sautéed in avocado oil and sweetened with a little honey

  • Tahini dressing - Tahini, lemon, olive oil (optional to add vinegar or water for a thinner dressing)

  • Optional: Balsamic vinegar or glaze

  • Instructions:

    • Select foods that add flavor, texture, and color

    • Arrange them on the plate and notice their artistic contribution to your day

    • Drizzle on tahini dressing or balsamic vinegar/glaze or a squeeze of lemon + olive oil.

Princess and the Pea Dip

Princesses belong in fairytales, not in the grocery store or at your favorite restaurant or in Congress. Let’s keep the royalty where it belongs, in this dish. This recipe is made from leftover peas, basmati rice, and seasonings (salt, pepper, horseradish, honey). So take out your food processor or your blender and have at it!

It looks like guacamole, but it tastes a lot weirder — still interesting!

While it looks like guacamole, this pea dip tastes a lot weirder and is packed with protein and very little fat


  • 1 cup of peas (amount varies - keep 1:1 ratio in mind)

  • 1 cup of cooked basmati rice

    • Add some yummy things. I put some apricots and dried cherries in the rice and topped it with some roasted/salted pistachios

    • Water or oil or some kind of almond milk to make it creamier

  • Seasonings - (salt, pepper, 1 Tablespoon horseradish)

  • Honey (to taste)


  • Warm up the peas and rice in a skillet with water so everything is soft and mushy and the flavors re-emerge. Add some salt and pepper to taste.

  • When the combo is still moist, but not soaking in water, take half and throw it into the blender with horseradish and honey to make the pea dip.

  • Add the yummy things to the rest of the rice

  • Use water or oil as needed.

  • Optional: I like to add nut butters to leftover rice or quinoa and add some other flavors like sesame oil and soy sauce.

Brilliant Sesame Maple Brussel Sprouts

We can’t all be brilliant when it comes to math and rocket science and knowing how to assemble an IKEA dresser. However, we can work on our own, inner shine. This recipe gets all glistening with the maple syrup. Since it’s a heart chakra food, imagine that your heart center is emanating shiny, juicy energy.



  • Brussel sprouts (optional to add cauliflower)

  • 1 Tbsp. sunflower oil

  • 1 tsp toasted sesame oil

  • 1-2 Tbsps maple syrup

  • Sesame seeds

  • Kiwi Sliced

  • Potatoes (brushed with avocado oil and salt)

  • Fresh rosemary

  • Instructions:

    • Preheat oven to 425-450 (depends on your oven)

    • Brush on the oil (without the maple syrup)

    • Bake for 20-25 minute, flip

    • Brush on the maple syrup

    • Sprinkle on sesame seeds

    • Bake until it’s all browned

    • Slice up the kiwi and serve together

    • This sweet dish needs a little savory counter point, so I like to serve this with roasted rosemary potatoes (bake potatoes at the same time, brush on different oil that’s infused with spices like oregano, marjoram, pepper, and salt). Add fresh rosemary at the end.

    • Optional: swap out the roasted potatoes for a savory grain or quinoa