“You cannot heal the world until you heal yourself.”

Buddhist saying

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What are the Chakras?

Your chakras are like the ‘a cappella’ singing group of your body. They’re colorful vibrations that create a unique harmony to your life and sound even better when they are open and in sync. The Chakras come from an ancient text (1500 and 500 BC) in India called the Vedas, which reveals a system of energy that identifies colorful, vibrational energy fields that surround our bodies like invisible, spinning discs. These seven rainbow colors correspond to points along the spine, which connect to the nervous system and influence the health of our bodies and play an important role in our physical, emotional, and spiritual well being. Even if you cannot see them, the chakras add vibrance to your life inside and out. Taking care of your chakras is another avenue of self care and self compassion, which can bring you personal power and inner ease. By intentionally energizing your chakras, you send a signal to your psyche and to the Universe that you’re collaborating with the collective energy. Our chakras serve as an energetic channels between the lower vibrations that ground us to the earth and the higher vibrations that connect us to the energy of the sky or to the heavens. My hope is that through this fun and colorful practice, we can connect energetically to ourselves and to each other. Imagine how vibrant and peaceful the world would be if everyone interacted with bright and balanced chakras. Your Chakras are a lot like the people you know. Show them a little love and attention and they’ll respond with more energy.

Are your Chakras Open?

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Chakras are like butterflies, they open and close their wings. Sometimes, your energetic centers get ‘murky’, which can be caused by a variety of factors such as fear, anxiety, resistance, and a sudden change in the world around you, like a pandemic or a mass shooting or a personal trauma. These unsettling emotions can manifest in the physical and energetic body and create disharmony across the board. Chances are, if one chakra is blocked or off-balance, the other chakras will be impacted because your chakras always work as a team or, like a singing group searching for harmony.

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Signs that Your Chakras Need Nurturing

  1. Red/Root Chakra: (Earth)

    • Emotional- Stress about money and financial security - Many people feel anxious and stressed about their safety and survival, financially and physically.

      1. Physical Manifestations- Problems with legs, feet, tailbone, sciatica, eating disorders, and elimination.

        Body Systems - Impacts the immune system

      2. Enlivening Mantra - I am safe. I am here. I am alive. I am.

  2. Orange/Sacral Chakra: (Water)

    • Emotional- Loneliness or fear of betrayal or overwhelming emotions - A blocked orange chakra often comes with trouble expressing emotions, fears, desires, and dreams.

    • Physical Manifestations: Bladder and urinary problems, kidney dysfunctions, hip, pelvic, and low back pain

    • Body Systems: Sexual issues and reproductive problems

    • Enlivening Mantra: My life flows freely. I am a creative being. I have a right to feel my emotions.

  3. Yellow/Solar Plexus (Fire)

    • Emotional- Fear of being rejected or ineffective when it comes to changing your life - This is the empowerment chakra, so unblocking this chakra will help move your life forward and ignite change.

    • Physical Manifestations: Chronic fatigue, pancreas, gallbladder issues, lower intestines

    • Body System: Digestive issues, Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    • Enlivening Mantra: I manifest change. I am powerful.

  4. Green/Heart Chakra (Air)

    • Emotional- Fear of being alone, often accompanied by feelings of unworthiness or being shut down to love - A blocked fourth chakra can manifest as an excessive neediness for love to the point of being off-putting, or possessive, or jealous. The ultimate blockage is a loss of compassion and empathy.

    • Physical Manifestations: Chest, heart, upper back, shoulders, arms, hands, elbows, and wrists

    • Body Systems: Heart, respiratory (asthma) and lymphatic drainage (lymphedema)

    • Enlivening Mantra: Love is everywhere. I am Love.

  5. Blue/Throat Chakra (Sound/Senses)

    • Emotional- Fear of being misunderstood or not heard at all, fear of being out of control or out of communication with loved ones - This chakra is the champion of writers, artists, and communicators because it’s all about expression. Trouble listening is also a sign of a blocked throat chakra.

    • Physical Manifestations- Sore throat, neck and shoulder pain, thyroid issues

    • Body Systems- Endocrine system

    • Enlivening Mantra - What I have to say matters. I have a right to speak my truth.

  6. Indigo/Third Eye Chakra (Light/Intuition)

    • Emotional- Fear of not knowing or not understanding or missing the truth, which is often accompanied by the fear of letting go. Opening up the third-eye chakra opens up your power of intuition and insight. When you feel ‘out of sync’ with your life, this chakra is usually blocked.

    • Physical Manifestations- Blurred vision, headaches, sinus issues, eye problems

    • Body Systems- Neurological, Top of the respiratory (ear/nose/throat)

    • Enlivening Mantra - I am in sync with my body, mind, and spirit. My senses expand beyond the physical realm. My intuition is powerful.

  7. Purple/Crown Chakra (Consciousness)

    • Emotional- Fear of being alienated, fear of dying, and fear of being disconnected These are all sort of the same thing, fear of losing your connection to your body. Whatever you believe about the energy of your soul and if it continues to exist and thrive after your physical experience on earth is over, strengthening all of your chakras leading up to this highest, crown chakra can help you find inner strength and inner peace.

    • Physical Manifestations- Upper headaches, general feelings of malaise, tiredness, loss of hope

    • Body Systems- Mental and spiritual health

    • Enlivening Mantra - I am connected to the Universe and to the Source of loving kindness and compassion. All is well.
