Keep Your Cool Cucumber & Strawberry Salad

It’s challenging to always keep your cool, especially when fear is running high and the world is changing so rapidly and so unexpectedly. It’s understandable to feel anxious and angry, and it’s hard to know how to cool down all those raging emotions, especially in the summer. This salad is soothing and refreshing, a needed respite from the ‘heated’ of the news of the day. The sweet and crunchy almonds are like putting candy on top — who doesn’t love candy!



  • One cucumber, pealed, sliced

  • Strawberries, sliced

  • Slivered almonds

  • Lemon juice

  • Honey + drop of Avocado oil

  • Instructions:

    • Slice cucumber, arrange on a plate and squeeze some lemon over it

    • Mix in strawberries

    • “Crunch” up the almonds, cook over low heat with honey and oil until they’re coated and brown. Sprinkle over salad