Susan Lee Hahn, Writer & Creative Collaborator

I’m not a professional chef and these are not rocket science recipes. I just really love to cook and have always had a penchant for messy art projects. I’ve studied plant-based cooking from a variety of sources and believe that natural, plant-based foods and herbs can have healing powers. I also believe that our thoughts can also have healing powers, so I combined these two passions (cooking and creativity), which makes up the heart of the Chakra Chef.

I’m also a cancer survivor and have researched a variety of alternative healing avenues, many of which are incorporated in the Chakra Chef. After I survived a challenging bout of breast cancer and then had to have half a kidney removed the following year, I changed my life, my diet, my inner dialogue, my spiritual practice, my marital status, and so much more. I now try to be more focused on the underlying energy of life, and on the nurturing of my own my soul. I believe that we’re energetic beings inhabiting these flesh-and-bone bodies, so I developed this experience to hopefully inspire others to recognize the chakras as a gateway to a happier, healthier, and more energetic existence.

I’m more of a whimsical enthusiast than I am an expert. When it comes to the chakras, I’ve read a lot, taken chakra meditation classes, practiced yoga, Tai Chi, Qui Gong, and other endeavors. Ever since I was a child, I’ve associated my emotions and experiences with colors, though I was never really sure why until I studied the chakras and became purposeful about enlivening and energizing them.

The search for the soul shows up in my other work. I also write novels, short stories, screenplays, and Haiku poems to my kids on my typewriter. The driving force in many of stories often has to do with illuminating and empowering that inner essence, which can help humans (and my characters) to resolve the past, enliven the present, and forage into a brilliant future. Call it what you will, the soul, the archetypes, the chakras, or macaroni and cheese. It doesn’t matter, as long as you acknowledge your inner essence and celebrate it. To learn more about my work as a writer, visit