Not-So-Perfect Peas and Green Beans

Let’s all agree that not being perfect is the new perfect. I know, it’s like saying that sixty is the new forty, or Orange is the new black, but aren’t we all tired of those perfectionist tendencies we’ve been spoon-fed throughout out lives? Let’s all make a pact to ditch those beliefs. Instead, let’s all agree that we’re not supposed to be perfect. We’re supposed to show up with compassion in our hearts, an open mind, and a big appetite, especially if you come to my house for dinner.

These wrinkly peas and crunchy green beans in this recipe sort of remind me of some of the men that I’ve dated. They aren’t perfect. They aren’t the main course, but some of them are tasty and hearty and nutritious and they compliment any meal or experience.



  • Peas (fresh or frozen)

  • Green beans (fresh or frozen)

  • Tarragon, salt, or any interesting seasoning

  • Lemon and olive oil

  • Hemp Hearts

  • Instructions:

    • Steam the peas and beans

    • Toss them in lemon and olive oil with salt

    • Sprinkle with seasoning and hemp hearts

    • ENJOY!