Angel Birds

There’s a theory that when the soul leaves the body, the magnetic/electric force that we have naturally in our bodies (electrolytes help keep that in balance) goes with it. Birds have a tiny magnetic “chip” in their tiny bird brains or in their eyes to help them navigate migration. I’m not making this part up and have linked a couple of articles here about a bird’s magnetic sense and ability to see the earth’s magnetic field.

I’m going to take a leap here based on my own, uncanny experiences (or possibly, my intense imagination) and posit that when a soul leaves the body, that soul’s energy with its magnetic/electric force can connect or possibly communicate with us through a bird’s magnetic composition. I know it sounds crazy, but just go with it for a moment. What if it’s true? What if birds could be messengers or merely carriers of spirit energy?

Next time you see a bird that seem to show up on a consistent basic, maybe it’s a newly deceased friend or relative who’s just saying, hi! Why not say, hi back to them? At the very least, if you’re looking up and noticing birds, you’ve taken your focus away from your phone or another screen, which is always a good thing!

Between Earth and Sky

Our bodies are energetic channels between the earth and the sky. This exercise is simple and reminds me to connect to both of them.

Place one hand with your palm facing the ground and the other hand with your palm facing the sky. Breath in and imagine that your ground-facing hand is drawing in the energy of the earth, while your sky-facing hand is drawing in the energy and the power of the heavens. As you breath out, switch hands and face them in opposite directions. Stay in that position. Breathe in. Hold. Breathe out. Switch. This activates your body as a channel between the earth and sky and helps you find your place between the two.

Haunt Your Ghosts

I once had a psychic tell me that I should talk to my father more frequently. She said he missed our conversations and longed for that interaction. At the time, my father had been dead for decades. He was killed in a car accident when I was in my early thirties and I hadn’t mentioned this fact to the psychic, so it got me wondering. Either she was a little bat-shit crazy and making stuff up, or there was a glimmer of truth to what she wa saying. My father was kind of a nudgy, Jewish father and I can still hear him saying on the answering machine in my mind, ‘Call me back. I want an update. You know how I always like to know what’s going on…’

When someone close to you passes away, it doesn’t necessarily meant that everything about them has died. I believe that everyone’s essential energy remains in some realm of existence, just beyond in a layer of energy that we can’t see or touch, but exists on the other side of our incarnated veil. If that’s true, then the communication can work both ways. So why not ‘haunt’ our ghosts and keep them updated, maybe even ask for their advice or help. I have a feeling that out of respect or due to some law on the ‘other side’ that I don’t quite understand, they need to be invited to participate. They can’t just meddle in our lives, even if they’re a (deceased) Jewish father like.

So haunt your ghosts! Reach up outside your comfort zone and talk to them and be sure to thank them for all that they’ve done (and might still be doing) in your life. If they’re anything like my father, they’re eager for the update and the chance to be in communication with you.

Photo by Joshua Grafstein (JustJash)
