Blank Page Bliss

The blank page stares back at all of us. It haunts us and can feel terrifying at times. I’m not just referring to the classic writer’s block. I’m talking about life itself. Everyday is a blank page (and a Winding Road), but this exercise might help you steer the fear toward bliss.

Take out a blank sheet of paper or a sketch pad, but don’t write anything. Just look at it. Be with it. Don’t even imagine what you’re going to say or what you’re going to draw. Just make room for the blankness to be in front of you. Breathe in as you stare at the pure page, the ‘clean slate’ that can transfer like osmosis into your psyche. Let nothingness gather its power and percolate in some recess of your creative energy field.

Even fruit trees don’t produce fruit every season. Every photograph needs light and shadows. Sculptures need positive and negative spaces to give them form. There’s beauty and bliss in the blank page. We need the power in the shadows. We just need to be quiet enough to let the energy build and to wait without judgement for what’s next.