Tune In Tomato Pesto Focaccia

It’s not always easy to tune in to what you’re doing due to all of those dopamine addictive, social media pings. But just the smell of this tomato pesto focaccia alone will soothe your frenetic attention hopping tendencies. Once you take a bite, you’ll think of nothing else!


  • 3 cups of flour (plus another 14/-1/2 cup when kneading)

  • 1 packet of yeast

  • 1 and 1/4 cup of warm water

  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil

  • 2 tablespoons or brown sugar

  • 1 teaspoon of salt

  • 1/2 - 1 cup of chopped, fresh tomatoes

  • 1/4 cup of pesto (Trader Joe’s Kale Cashew pesto)

  • Herbs/spices: basil, rosemary, thyme, salt, pepper

  • Vegan cheese (or real cheese) for the topping


  • Preheat oven to 425

  • Combine the flour, herbs/spices, and salt in one bowl

    • I use fresh rosemary that I chop up into tiny pieces

  • Combine the warm water, yeast, olive oil, and sugar in another bowl

  • Wait until the yeast starts to react (bubble) before adding the other ingredients

  • After a few minutes, add the wet mixture to the flour, stir until it’s all absorbed

  • Knead the dough on a board that’s sprinkled with flour until it’s a nice orb of yeasty delight (5 minutes)

  • Let it rise in a glass bowl coated with olive oil, covered with a cloth. 1-2 hours (if you’re in a dry climate, try putting the dough in your oven (off) with a bowl of boiling water for moisture

  • Grease a round pan with olive oil

  • Divide the dough in half and place one half on the bottom. Cover with tomatoes and pesto

  • Place the other half on top

  • Bake for 25-30 minutes or until it starts to get golden

  • At the very end, sprinkle on some cheese

Bring on the Joy Burgers with Root Vegetables

You’ll find several recipes for plant-based burgers in the Chakra Chef. This one uses root vegetables and quinoa, but you can substitute for other grains. I used fresh thyme in this recipe because who doesn’t want more time!


  • 1 cup garbanzo bean flour + 3/4 cup of water

  • Red Onion (or regular onion) at least half, chopped small

  • 2 TBSP avocado oil

  • 2 TBSP honey or agave

  • 2+ cups root veggies (cooked and chopped into small pieces) - Carrots, beets, fennel, celery, etc.

  • 1 cup cooked quinoa (or any leftover grain, such as rice, couscous, etc.)

  • Seasonings: salt, pepper, thyme

  • Instructions:

    • Preheat oven to 375

    • Mix 1 cup of garbanzo bean flour with 3/4 water and let it absorb

    • Chop and sauté all the veggies, starting with the onion and let them simmer in the honey and olive oil to caramelize. Season to taste.

    • Combine all ingredients in a big bowl with the garbanzo bean flour, mixing thoroughly. This should be thick, but not too dry

    • Divide the mixture into patties (6-8) on parchment paper.

    • Brush with avocado oil + honey

    • Bake for 30 minutes until brown. You can flip these over and brush the other side.

    • Serve over lettuce or on a bun with sliced tomatoes, lettuce, and red onion. Or add some pesto or barbecue sauce.

Suddenly Strawberry Tofu Salad

Sudden changes can be jarring and unnerving and throw us off balance for quite a while. But denying change is useless, and resisting change is exhausting and counterproductive. Sudden changes can often lead to unexpected surprises like this recipe, which offers an unusual mixture of strawberries and tofu.



  • Protein: Half a block of extra-firm tofu cut into small squares

  • Fruit: 1/2+ cup of red grapes and strawberries, cut into small pieces

  • Celery (1-2 pieces) - cut very small

  • Additional veggies: carrots, fennel, and/or red pepper

  • Condiments: Veganaise mayo (1 tbsp) plus hot mustard (1 tsp) - salt + pepper to taste

  • Instructions: Cut everything into small squares, then mix in the all the ingredients.

    • For crispy tofu lovers, you can also make crispy tofu by cutting it in strips or cube, spray a little avocado oil spray, season, and bake at 425 for 20 minutes.

Cheerful Cherry Quinoa Bowl with Swiss Chard and Crunchy Almonds

Being cheerful doesn’t mean you feel happy all the time. Cheerfulness is more like an outfit that you put on, an emotional layer that you cloak yourself in to let the world know that you’re determined not to spread grumpiness everywhere. Cheerfulness is contagious. Notice how quickly you can change the mood in a room just by showing up with upbeat energy.

This breakfast bowl can be a substitute for oatmeal in the morning or devoured any time of day. If you just woke up and you’re still breathing, cheer up! You just got the gift of another day.



  • 1 cup of cooked quinoa (leftovers work great)

  • 1 cup of cherries (frozen or fresh)

  • 1+ cup of fresh greens (red chard, kale, arugula, etc.)

  • 1/4 cup of slivered almonds (or any seeds or nuts)

  • 2 Tbs of maple syrup or honey

  • Cinnamon or cardamom to taste (optional)


  • Heat (or reheat) the quinoa in water or vegetable broth until done

  • If using frozen cherries, add them to the heating quinoa, which will turn it a little red

  • Wash and cut greens. You can also ‘blanch'’ them slightly in the pan after the quinoa and cherries are warmed.

  • Warm the maple syrup or honey on medium to low heat, then add the slivered almonds (or nuts/seeds combo), sprinkle on the cinnamon or cardamon or any other flavor. Coat the nuts and let them roast on a medium heat.

  • Remove and cool the nuts on parchment paper. They’ll become sweet and crunchy as they cool, so use them as a topping

Super Simple Sun-Dried Tomatoes with High-Protein Pasta

The simple, high protein pasta has a base of sun-dried tomato pesto, which blends nicely with a variety of flavors. I also refer to this as the ‘leftover lovers’ pasta because it’s one way to fall in love with the contents in your refrigerator all over again. Really, it’s just another way to clean out your refrigerator, but make sure you’re not mixing in any ‘experiments’ that you may find.


Simplify your life and your refrigerator. This Super Simple pasta is proof that (almost) nothing is ever wasted.


  • 1-2 cups of high protein pasta (e.g. Trader Joe’s, Sprouts, Whole Foods, etc.)

  • 1/2 cup of sun-dried tomatoes (in a jar with oil or dried in a package)

  • 1-2 cups of tomato sauce (homemade or from a jar)

  • 1+ cup of Vegetable broth - for softening the veggies.

  • Contents from your fridge - This one on the photo has bok choy, peas, artichokes (from the jar), onions, fresh oregano, and sun-dried tomato pesto

  • A big bunch of greens (Basil, Kale, arugula, etc.)

  • Topping: Tofu mock Ricotta Cheese

    • 10 OZ extra firm tofu (pat dry)

    • 2-3 Tablespoons of nutritional yeast

    • 2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice

    • Seasonings to taste (garlic, onion powder, etc.)

    • Put all ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend until creamy.

  • Instructions:

    • For the sauce - combine all ingredients except the greens in a large saucepan and simmer until it all blends together nicely.

    • In another pot, boil the pasta until it’s tender. Rinse. Add back into the pot with a little water. Bring to a boil, add greens and let them cook until they turn a brighter color and wilt.

    • Stir in the other ingredients

    • Season to taste

    • Top with the tofu Ricotta and fresh basil and a garnish of sun-dried tomatoes

    • ENJOY!

Overdo it Tomato & Basil Protein Pasta

You can be understated when it comes to other things like your clothes or your lipstick, but when you’re making this pasta, don’t hold back when it comes to adding other ingredients. This one has the expected tomato and fresh basil with sun-dried tomatoes, artichoke hearts, broccolini, and topped off with roasted cashews and lots of spices.


  • High protein pasta (I love the Banza Angel Hair pasta made from chick peas)

  • Vegetable broth (~1/2- 1 cup)

  • 1 heaping tablespoon of Hummus (can use store bought)

  • 1 heaping tablespoon of Kale Pesto (can use Trader Joe’s)

  • Artichoke hearts

  • Broccolini

  • Sun-dried tomatoes

  • Fresh tomatoes

  • Fresh basil

  • Roasted cashews

  • Nutritional yeast


  • Boil pasta until tender, rinse

  • Saute veggies in veggie broth

  • Add seasonings

  • Add pasta

  • Add humus and pesto, toss until coated

  • Garnish with fresh tomatoes, fresh basil, and nutritional yeast or Vegan Parmesan

  • Don’t worry about saving some for later. It’s SO GOOD you’ll want to eat it all.

A Kimchi Kind of Love

This Kimchi-esque coleslaw is made from beet, cabbage, and pear and will make your heartbeat faster. Or maybe it’ll make your colon beat faster. It’s filled with vibrant colors, sweetness, and a slew of probiotics from the vinegar and the Kombucha. I was inspired by the WILDBRINE sauerkraut that I bought recently, but all of these ingredients cost less to purchase than one small container.


  • ~2 cups shredded fine, red (or purple) cabbage

  • 1 cup of boiled red (or yellow) beets shredded or chopped

  • 1 pear shredded or chopped

  • 1/4 cup of beet juice from boiling

  • 1/4 cup of (rice wine) vinegar

  • 1/4 cup of Kombucha (GT’s Cosmic Cranberry, Gingerade, etc.)


  • Shred all the stuff

  • Mix it all together

  • Pour over the liquids

  • Eat. Enjoy.

  • Store airtight overnight.

Bet on it Red Beet Hummus

The title of this recipe isn’t meant to encourage a gambling addiction, but to take a risk on yourself. So much in life is a gamble, and we don’t know how things are really going to turn out. So I say, bet on it, whatever “it” is for you, a new romance, a new job, a new adventure. There’s no thrill in playing it safe all the time. So go on! Take a risk and take a bite of this simple, easy Red Beet Hummus. It’s colorful and grounding and the color would look great as a lipstick.


  • 1 package of Trader Joe’s cooked red beets (no, I don’t get a ‘kick-back’ from TJ’s). Or, about five red beets boiled and cooked

  • 1 can of Organic Garbanzo Beans - ( I like to pinch each bean to get the outside shell off. If beans give you gas, this will help alleviate it.)

  • 1 Teaspoon of Tahini

  • Lemon juice or water as needed (or Olive oil)

  • Spices - For savory: salt, garlic, or cumin. For sweet: Honey or maple syrup


  • Rinse the beets

  • Rinse the can of garbanzo beans (take off their shells)

  • Put into a blender with tahini, spices, and other liquids

  • Mix until smooth

  • Marvel at your own cooking prowess

Take-Your-Time Veggie Lasagne

Who doesn’t need to slow down? I sometimes wonder if the over-scheduling impulse, which has become a badge of honor is really an elaborate avoidance technique wrapped up with the bow of high-productivity. We’re running, all the time, either to the next thing, to the next person, or from ourselves. The title of this dish is meant to remind us to take time to smell the roses (or the garlic) and to replenish ourselves with the process, not just the food.


Ingredients: (Vegan Version with Dairy Options)

  • Lasagne noodles - Your favorite brand (gluten free, if preferred)

  • 2+ cups of cut up butternut squash (fresh or frozen)

    • For dairy lovers: 2 cups of ricotta cheese

    • Cashew ricotta cheese (click for recipe)

    • *You can also use both and adjust portions to your liking

  • 1-2 cups of water, if squash is uncooked

  • 1 onion + oil + honey + cinnamon

  • 1 jar of your favorite tomato sauce or make your own

    • Homemade: 1 large can of crushed tomatoes + 1 can tomato paste + seasonings

    • Add plant-based meat substitute or 1+ cup of any additional veggies, such as fennel, sun-dried tomatoes, celery, peas, etc (optional)

  • 1 cup of tofu

    • For dairy lovers, use mozzarella + parmesan cheese

  • 2-3 tablespoons of Olive oil, Italian seasonings

  • 1/2 cup of non dairy cheese or slices

    • For dairy lovers, use Parmesan or mozzarella slices for the top

  • Instructions

    • Preheat oven to 375

    • Cook 9 lasagne noodles in a big pot of water with salt - boil until it’s almost al dente, rinse, and set aside

    • Saute onion in oil and honey until it’s coated and carmelized

    • Place squash in water and cook until it’s soft and mushy, drain water

    • Mix cooked squash with carmelized onions, set aside (this is your ‘ricotta;)

    • Combine the tomato ingredients with seasonings and cook down until it’s a little bit thick. Simmer with spices (e.g. fresh basil, a little balsamic glaze, or go another way and add crushed red pepper, etc.)

    • Stir in any additional vegetables with the tomato sauce

    • Take the tofu (or tofu/tempeh combo) and slice it thin, sauté in olive oil

    • Build the lasagne — oil the pan, start with a little sauce, then add the squash, sauce, tofu (or real cheese), another layer of noodles, repeat until you finish. Save some sauce and squash for the top layer.

    • Bake covered for 30 minutes

      • Uncover and sprinkle the 1/2 non dairy cheese on top or slices of parmesan cheese

      • Turn up to 400 degree, bake until the top melts and your mouth waters

Happiness Happens Pineapple Stir Fry

Happiness happens all the time, and if we don’t pay attention, we might just miss it. Unlike the ‘goal-oriented’ perception of happiness that permeates our culture, I’d like to propose the ‘flavor-oriented’ view of happiness where being happy isn’t a state of mind or a destination that one trudges toward. Instead, happiness is a flavor, another ingredient in the big smorgasbord of our lives. And if we’re the ‘chefs’ of our own destiny, then we can add whatever flavor we’d like and call it happiness in the dishes and experiences we cook up for ourselves. Then happiness becomes something that you can savor like the sweetness of pineapple combined with earthy taste of the coconut curry in this stir fry.


Sprinkle in some happiness in your day!


  • Fresh pineapple cut into chunks (frozen works too, just thaw it in the stir fry)

  • 1 bag TJ’s organic broccoli shreds

  • 1 Napa cabbage (or bok choy or red/green cabbage) - 2-3 cups

  • 1 cup of Wild Rice (FYI - 1/3 cup will rice has 7 grams of protein)

  • 2-3 Cups of water or vegetable broth used to cook rice

  • 2-3 colors of peppers - (Red, Yellow, and Orange) - cut into smaller pieces

  • 1 can of Coconut Milk (15 oz.) Reduced-fat or full-fat (depends on your tush)

  • 1/2 - 1 cup of Cashews (pieces or whole)

  • Curry powder 2-3 tsps or to taste

  • Chili flakes or chili oil (to taste)

  • Cinnamon, salt, pepper (to taste)

  • 2-3 teaspoons toasted sesame oil

  • 2-3 teaspoons soy sauce or Bragg’s Amino Acid

  • 1/2 teaspoon honey

  • Instructions:

    • Cut pineapple into chunks, set aside

    • Cook the rice on the stove or in an Insta-pot

    • Steam broccoli (with a steamer or in an inch of water in a pan), then line the bowl

    • Steam the Napa cabbage or Bok Choy in the same pan, then arrange in bowl with broccoli

    • Stir fry the peppers with a drop of sesame oil on low heat

    • Add the coconut milk, curry powder and any other seasonings. Bring to a boil and reduce the coconut milk by about a quarter. Cover and simmer

    • Add the pineapple so it takes on the other flavors

    • For the caramelized cashews: In a smaller sauce pan, brown the cashews with sesame oil and honey over medium-low heat. Turn down (or off) the heat and add a little soy sauce. You can also add a little cayenne pepper. This crunchy topping tastes like candy with a kick!

    • Arrange everything on the same big bowl, sprinkle on the cashews last