The Art of Being A Tree

Humans are a lot like trees with our ancestral roots, our sturdy trunks, branches like arms that reach out to others or to the sky, and a circuitry of arteries that bring in water and nutrients from the ground. Both can provide shelter and shade, and we change with the time and the seasons.

There’s an art to being a tree and a human. We need to plant ourselves in the right place to grow, then we need to receive all that the earth has to offer in terms of nourishment, and all that the sky has to offer in terms of sunshine.

This meditation is simple. Imagine that your body resembles a tree and that you have ‘invisible’ roots that extend from the souls of your feet, extending about six feet underground, or as far as you need them to go. Then just breathe in the nourishing power of the earth.

If you’ve imagined yourself as a willow tree, feel free to sway with the breeze. If you’re a might oak tree, feel your own power as you plant deep roots while you soar toward the sky. All you have to do is breathe and imagine.