Fertilize the Soil

This simple breathing exercise is intended to help you get grounded, connect with yourself, cleanse your energetic body, and then give the crap that you’ve been holding onto back to Mother Nature. She won’t mind, I promise you. It’s easy to do, and you can do it anywhere, even in the bathroom.

  • Plant your feet on the ground (sitting, standing, or walking).

  • Breathe in and imagine that you are drawing in the power and healing energy of the earth through the souls of your feet.

  • Breathe out and imagine that you are planting energetic roots about six feet below ground from the souls of your feet.

  • As you breathe out, release any fear or anxiety and give it to the earth to fertilize the soil, metaphorically speaking.

  • When you think about actual fertilizer and what it’s made of, you can see why your negative emotions like fear and anxiety can easily be absorbed into the earth.

  • Breath in again. Repeat.