Walking on Sunshine

This creative, grounding meditation was inspired by that upbeat song, Walking on Sunshine, so if you’ve never heard it, please take a moment to listen now.

Great. You’re going to hate me when you can’t get that damn thing out of your head, but for now, just go with it. This song used to annoy me for many reasons. It’s almost too happy and it describes someone who just fell in love and is so elated that she’s ‘walking on air’ (or sunshine). It’s the opposite of being grounded, which is what makes this song perfect for a grounding mindfulness meditation.

I heard it recently when I was out for a walk in the park and stepped on a patch of sunlight that sliced between the shade of the trees. Then I got to a sunny part of the road and realized that I too was walking on sunshine, or the ground that was splattered with sunshine.

You too can walk on sunshine. Next time you’re out for a walk or dashing to your car in a parking lot, look down and notice the sunshine under your feet, then imagine that it’s entering your body from the souls of your feet. This actives your lower chakra and reminds you that you can bring sunshine into your body from the ground up!