We all have an inner critic, that voice that slithered into our psyches when we weren’t looking sometime before adolescence. Everyone’s inner critic shows up from time to time like a bad hair day or a really big pimple, usually without warning and often at the most inopportune times. Not like there’s ever a good time for an inner critic. What we often don’t realize is that sometimes when we’re interacting with someone, we’re really interacting with that person’s inner critic and not that person’s essential self. This experience can trigger your inner critic to react to their inner critic, which can turn into a blood bath or even a divorce. It’s important to take a break from the inner critic to grow your sense of calm and your sense of yourself.
So how do we get rid of our inner critic? I’m reminded of my childhood when my parents shipped me off to summer camp for eight weeks with my little sister. We loved it there! This exercise is a way for you to send your inner critic to summer camp, and who knows if she’ll ever want to come back?
This is a ceremonial, metaphorical process so don’t take it to seriously.
First you pack. Ask your inner critic what it needs most for the journey (e.g. attention, acknowledgement, chocolate, etc.), then imagine a duffle bag filled with these items. You can even add little labels with the name of your inner critic on the inside of the clothes or the emotions.
Imagine putting your inner critic on a bus with all the other noisy, disrespectful, immature inner critics, some of whom your inner critic may already know from middle school. We were all about this age when our consciousness started growing our inner critic. We weren’t born with that critic.
Then wave goodbye and watch your inner critic drive away.