There are times when you need to find your boost, that thing that makes you ramp up your energy and flip the switch on your motivation. I call it the ‘crescendo’ because it can be like a piece of music that gets louder and more engaging.
Pick a song that you love. When it gets to the part that’s ramping up the energy, turn up the volume and sing along. For example, I still love Springsteen’s Born to Run (“One, two, three, four, Highways strung with broken heroes on a last chance power drive…”). You get the point.
When you feel that surge in the music, whether you’re singing or listening, notice the impact it has on your body. Music is a vibration and something that you can often feel as a surge of power inside your body. Notice it. Embrace it. Harness it.
If you don’t have a song that you love, then think of something that you really love to do and really commit to the experience. I also love sculpting and pottery and feel a kind of power when I’m in that creative zone.
Whatever you use as your ‘crescendo,’ lean into it. Enjoy it. Absorb it. Then use it to fuel your determination and energize your third chakra power.