Rhythm and Resistance

Everyone wants to be ‘in sync’ with their lives. You know what I’m talking about, that sense of being in the rhythm of your own destiny, on your unique path forward. Here’s an easy exercise that I sometimes do when I’m feeling out-of-sync with my life.

  • Turn on a song that you love to dance to and really feel it. Dance, if you want to, but let that rhythm sink into your core.

  • Then resist it. Stop moving in sync with the rhythm and notice how that feels. I like to think of Elaine in Seinfeld when she did her little ‘off-beat’ dance. When you purposefully resist a rhythm that you love (from a song or from your life, metaphorically speaking), it’s awkward and almost painful not to be in sync.

  • Then turn that song on again, even louder this time, and start dancing!

  • Remind yourself that you’ll naturally find your life’s rhythm and have fun.
