Your Artistic Edge

Many years ago, I took a screenwriting class at Chicago Filmmakers and my teacher was Julia Cameron, the author of the Artists Way. She instructed our class (and everyone who subsequently read the book) to have an artistic date with themselves at least once a week. This exercise takes inspiration from Julia, yet helps you incorporate an artistic edge into your daily activities. Here are some suggestions:

  • Date yourself. It doesn’t have to be to an art museum or a gallery. It can be as simple as going to Michaels to buy a new sketchpad or tie dye a faded tee-shirt. Take time to notice something artistic at least once a day. You don’t have to go anywhere to admire something that someone has created.

  • Re-imagine the ordinary. Remember when we were kids and pretended the couch was an island and the carpet was the ocean or hot lava so we couldn’t step on the floor? Those were the days when the cushions were a pillow fort. Just for an instant, imagine that something ordinary is extraordinary… the leaves on the trees are dollar bills, or the sidewalk is really an ice rink, or the candy you just ate is good for you and not too calorie.

  • Let your inner artist out. No one will care if you sing along with a song in your car or in the shower, imagining you’re on stage. You can do anything with an artistic edge, cooking, dancing (thanks Elaine), or even daydreaming. Decide to be an artist and take that inner artist with you everywhere.