Make Room for More Love

This exercise is a variation of the ‘Superman’ heart opener, but is intended to help you pull out the weeds of experiences that are stunting your ability to love more freely, more fiercely. Maybe you need to get rid of some of your fears of intimacy or perhaps an old lover is still taking up space in your heart or maybe you just have wounds in your heart that are still holding on like pernicious foliage.

Breathe in the love that’s floating in the air from others (alive and in spirit form). Take your fisted hands to your heart center. Identify the troubling things that are causing your heart to be heavy or blocked. Just notice what it is for you. As you breathe out, imagine these things are moving into your fists, as if you can literally hold onto them. Then stretch out your arms, open your palms, and let the energy around you absorb whatever you were holding onto as you complete your exhale. Before you breathe in again, send out some gratitude to the Source for recycling your troubled energy. Repeat as many times as you like.

Daniel Popper, Morton Arboretum, IL 2022