Pineapple and Ginger Tea

This tea takes the rind from the pineapple and turns it into a delicate, delicious, and digestive tea. Pineapple’s healing properties are plentiful. The key is cleaning the outside of the pineapple with baking soda and vinegar to get all the nasty stuff off with a bubbling science experiment.


  • Pineapple rind

  • Fresh ginger

  • Water

  • Baking Soda and Vinegar


  • Clean the pineapple rind: scrub it, cut off any marred pieces, submerge it in a bowl of water, sprinkle baking soda, then add vinegar. The science experiment, bubbling effect will help to clean the microscopic bacteria, or at least that’s what I tell myself.

  • Rinse in a colander, then submerge in a big pot of boiling water, add the ginger and turmeric.

  • Let this boil, then simmer for a while (15+ minutes)

  • Strain and drink!

  • I store the remainder in my fridge in a mason jar so I have iced tea as well