Liver Dance Detox Drink

Not to be confused with the show, River Dance, or maybe the two aren’t that far off. This drink will liven up your liver and loosen the toxins. I first discovered this recipe from my older sister, who like me, got cancer and changed her eating (and drinking) habits. When our younger sister got cancer last year, she started drinking this drin every day as well. Why wait until you get cancer? Start drinking it now!

I find it curious that both me and my two sisters have all had cancer in our fifties. Is it related to Menopause? A virus we’ve had in our systems for decades? Genetics? Too much Cheez-Whiz when we were kids? We loved Cheez-Whiz on Ritz crackers and sometimes sprayed it on each other for fun in a Cheez-Whiz fight (not so civilized, I know).

I bit into some raw turmeric the other day and didn’t realize that my front teeth were stained orange — not a good look!


  • Hot Water

  • Tumeric (raw or powdered)

  • Raw Honey

  • Ginger (raw or powdered)

  • Black pepper

  • Fresh lemon

  • Instructions:

    • 1 cup warm (not too hot) water – or you can use 1 cup warm milk of your choice (almond, soy, or oat milk) 

      1. ¼ - ½ tsp. turmeric

      2. Ground pepper (not too much, or it’ll be too peppery – 8-10 turns)

      3. Juice of half a lemon (4 teaspoons of ReaLemon lemon juice is the equivalent) 

      4. Dash of cinnamon (optional)

      5. Raw ginger or a dash of ginger powder (optional)

      6. 1/8 to 1 tsp raw honey

  • Benefits of Tumeric Water: (I normally don’t get this detailed, but my sister used to be a librarian and always does her research)

    • It Promotes Weight Loss - Drinking turmeric water (with or without lemon) has been shown to prevent the accumulation of fat. And sipping a healthy hot beverage in the morning that tastes interesting and looks cheerful may keep you from overindulging at brunch.

    • Turmeric Improves Digestion and Metabolism - Drinking a turmeric drink (whether it’s turmeric and lemon water or something else) can enhance your body’s ability to produce bile – a crucial component of a healthy, well-functioning digestive system.

    • Turmeric and Lemon Water Is a Detox Drink - The liver uses bile as part of the process by which it eliminates toxins from your body. Bile also keeps your liver healthy. Meanwhile, the citric acid in lemon juice helps your body maintain the proper pH levels for wellness, and lemon itself is a natural diuretic that will help your body flush away toxins in your urine.

    • This Drink Is an Antioxidant Powerhouse - Illness and premature aging are both thought to be caused, in part, by oxidative damage by free radicals in the body. Antioxidants protect your body from the effects of free radicals – and both turmeric and lemons are full of them!

    • Turmeric May Relieve Arthritis Symptoms -The curcumin in turmeric is an anti-inflammatory that can counteract the symptoms of the chronic inflammatory disorder, rheumatoid arthritis.

    • Drinking Turmeric and Lemon Can Protect You from Infections - The antibacterial, antiviral and antimicrobial properties of turmeric paired with the immune boosting Vitamin C and potassium in lemon juice means there is a lot of illness-fighting power in every warm cup of turmeric and lemon water.

    • It May Help Lower Cholesterol Levels - Numerous studies have shown that compounds in turmeric can positively impact cholesterol levels, though it’s still not clear what the optimal dosages should be. It might also help prevent heart disease! Given that there are virtually no downsides to adding turmeric to your diet, why not see what this spice can do for your cholesterol levels.

    • And Even Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease - Turmeric prevents the degradation of neurons by increasing the level of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (a hormone that seems to keep the brain healthy), which may in turn keep Alzheimer’s disease at bay in those people more susceptible to it. The curcumin in turmeric may even improve memory!

    • Finally, Drinking Turmeric and Lemon Will Keep You Looking Young - Starting your day with a turmeric drink is an easy way to keep your skin hydrated.