Still So Sweet, Sweet Potato Veggie Burgers

As we get older, we can get crankier and crustier (speaking from personal experience here). Perhaps it’s from having consumed too many news programs (harsh reality) or from watching too many episodes of FRIENDS (harsh non-reality). We’ve had disappointments, lost our innocence (personally and as a country), and still have dental issues, even if we flossed religiously. Whatever the reason, sweetness may have eluded us at times.

I say, let’s bring it back! While you’re making this recipe with all its inherent sweetness, remind yourself of a time when you were sweet and acted with heartfelt compassion. What a nice person you are! If you want to get semantic and deep, get still (close your eyes, notice your breathing) then purposefully sprinkle in that sweetness from your memory into this recipe. How we feel about something while we’re doing it, impacts both the experience and the outcome.


  • 1-2 Sweet potatoes cooked, mashed (about 1+ cup)

  • 1/4 cup of dry lentils (red matches best), about 1/2 cup cooked

  • 1/4 cup of dry basmati rice (or any rice), about 1/2 cup cooked

  • 1 small apple or pear, peeled and diced

  • 1-2 tablespoons of maple syrup

  • 2 tablespoons of oil (olive, sunflower, etc.)

  • 1-2 cups of spinach

  • Optional: For burgers that are a little more like cake, add 1/4 cup of flour (Gluten free, rice, coconut, or garbanzo bean flour) + 1 tsp of baking powder

  • Optional: Add protein powder, ground flax seeds, hemp seeds, or chia seeds


  • Pre-heat oven to 375 (Fahrenheit)

  • In a large bowl, mash together the sweet potatoes, rice, lentils, apple, oil, and maple syrup/honey.

  • Add the seeds, flour, baking powder. You can also mix with a hand blender.

  • On a baking sheet, layout a piece of parchment paper, spray with oil

  • Place scoops of veggie burgers on the parchment paper (yields about 12 burgers)

  • Spray the top with oil and any seasonings (salt, onion powder, etc.)

  • Bake for about 20-30 minutes until top is golden brown

  • Eat as many as you like!