Bubble Up!

This ‘bubble up’ technique is a basic energy move that you’ll see with variations for different chakras. This helps protect you from negative, toxic energy on the outside while still allowing your own energy, your love and light to filter through this invisible, egg-shaped membrane that surrounds you.

  • Bend down and touch the ground with your fingertips

  • Turn your palms out so they face away from your body

  • Straighten your arms and sweep your palms up toward the sky

  • Imagine that you’re creating an energetic membrane that protects you

  • Let your palms touch at the top

  • Turn your palms away from one another

  • Draw the same line with your wingspan as you re-draw the membrane

  • Let your fingertips touch the ground

  • You can repeat as many times as you need or like

  • Stand up straight and imagine you’re grounded and protected in an energetic egg

  • Breathe and fill up your bubble with love and compassion for yourself and others