Angel Birds

There’s a theory that when the soul leaves the body, the magnetic/electric force that we have naturally in our bodies (electrolytes help keep that in balance) goes with it. Birds have a tiny magnetic “chip” in their tiny bird brains or in their eyes to help them navigate migration. I’m not making this part up and have linked a couple of articles here about a bird’s magnetic sense and ability to see the earth’s magnetic field.

I’m going to take a leap here based on my own, uncanny experiences (or possibly, my intense imagination) and posit that when a soul leaves the body, that soul’s energy with its magnetic/electric force can connect or possibly communicate with us through a bird’s magnetic composition. I know it sounds crazy, but just go with it for a moment. What if it’s true? What if birds could be messengers or merely carriers of spirit energy?

Next time you see a bird that seem to show up on a consistent basic, maybe it’s a newly deceased friend or relative who’s just saying, hi! Why not say, hi back to them? At the very least, if you’re looking up and noticing birds, you’ve taken your focus away from your phone or another screen, which is always a good thing!